09 Shelter hygiene

Audio Transcript This is the BBC Home Service. 'At Home Hints by Housewives' by Cressida Atkinson Have you thought of making a sleeping tidy? This consists of a piece of brightly coloured or striped cotton material, sufficiently large to cover your bunk. Sew tapes on the bottom corners, which you can tie onto the bunk frame. This will keep your bedding cosily in place. In addition, sleeping tidies help keep a shelter neat and give a bright pleasant aspect. Daily airing will help to keep bedding sweet and fresh. Even in the driest of shelter, bedding will get damp owing to the humidity during the night. Many ills may result in sleeping from damp bedclothes. You should launder your bedding once a week, You would not like to be thought of as an unpleasant neighbour.

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