27 Last Judgement and the Seven Works of Mercy

The painting to your right shows the Christ of the Last Judgment, looking down in His omnipotence at people performing the Seven Works of Mercy: feeding the hungry; giving water to the thirsty; clothing the naked; sheltering the homeless; visiting the sick; visiting or freeing the imprisoned; and burying the dead. These works derive from Jesus’s own words: ‘Whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers and sisters, you did for me'.

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In our museum you will find thematic exhibitions at the confluence of religion, art and culture. Exhibitions that bring you face to face with the often unseen heritage of our churches, abbeys and monasteries. In today's multi-religious and highly diverse society, particular attention is paid here to promoting dialogue. Our exhibitions do not provide answers; they encourage thinking and dialogue. PARCUM is much more than a museum. It is also a visit to one of the best preserved abbey complexes in the Benelux.