23 Chalice with paten and chalice spoon

In front of you, you see a chalice, a paten and a chalice spoon. The paten is a small plate that doubles as a chalice cover. Although the Catholic faith penetrated almost every aspect of daily life, its culmination was and is the moment of Consecration during the celebration of the Eucharist. Jesus gave His life on the cross to save mankind from sin. During the Consecration, that sacrifice is ritually repeated, by the priest: the Host – a wafer or piece of bread – is transformed into the Holy Body of Jesus, and the wine into His Precious Blood. The chalice is therefore of great importance. This chalice is very special because it has a story. It was gifted to the ordinand reverend Manshoven in 1956 by the Pasen family. And his parents’ wedding rings are incorporated into the pommel of the chalice, the part where the stem meets the cup.

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In our museum you will find thematic exhibitions at the confluence of religion, art and culture. Exhibitions that bring you face to face with the often unseen heritage of our churches, abbeys and monasteries. In today's multi-religious and highly diverse society, particular attention is paid here to promoting dialogue. Our exhibitions do not provide answers; they encourage thinking and dialogue. PARCUM is much more than a museum. It is also a visit to one of the best preserved abbey complexes in the Benelux.