14. Johan Buning -Still life with red canvas, 1960

This still-life is the first piece of art that the founders of this museum bought in 1968. The painting is by the artist Johan Buning. It is a simple design: a fruit bowl on a table with a cloth. The table is flanked by a red curtain on the right. Behind the curtain it is more abstract. You can see different coloured areas. This combination of visible reality and abstract style typify Johan Buning's paintings at his peak. The works of Buning consist of countless still-lifes, interiors, landscapes and portraits. In his intimate work he shows, literally, the everyday normal things of domestic life: plants, jugs, fruit and furniture. He makes them special objects worthy of our attention. He never tired of bringing every day objects to life on canvas.

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The Musea Zutphen -Stedelijk Museum Zutphen en het Museum Henriette Polak- are located in the 17th-century city palace Hof van Heeckeren. History, cultural history, visual arts and topical matters meet here in a surprising way