HB 04 The Mad Count

This is a heraldic mourning panel, made to mark the death of a former resident of the castle, Johan Baptist, Count Van den Bergh and Hohenzollern. Both in ‘s-Heerenbergh and in Boxmeer, where he also lived for a while, he was however better known as the Mad Count… His birth was a cause for great celebrations: he was the first count born in the county in 75 years. He was baptized in the castle-chapel the very same day. His father and mother, on the portraits on your right, later died when he was teenager. He earned his nickname ‘the Mad Count’ when during the wedding night he laid himself down beside his wife in full armour and with two loaded pistols. His poor bride fled never to come back. The count ended in the Hohenzollerns’ German castle of Haigerloch, a state prisoner guilty of twofold murder. He died in 1781 after 20 years in detention.

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For centuries, Huis Bergh Castle was the ancestral castle of the powerful Van den Burgh counts. The castle's building history dates back to the 12th century. Jan Herman van Heek, an industrialist from Enschede, purchased the castle in 1912. He amassed a collection of late medieval artworks that are on display in the castle even today. There is also the possibility to have your (wedding)party here or stay the night in one of the luxury suits in a former defense tower.