Think of the Maestà as a solitary altar piece, measuring just under 5 x 4 metres, painted on both sides and resting on a painted base called predella. Such an impressive work of art requires a special construction. Our Angel has played an important role in the research into the construction. This because the back is in its original state and largely unscathed. Even the traces the carpenter made in the wood with his plane are still visible. Close inspection also reveals remnants of glue with markings of the panel our angel originally had been glued onto. These markings show that the grain of the bigger panel is vertical, whereas that of the smaller panel is horizontal. This indicates that some of the vertical panels, depicting the main representation, must originally have stretched out far more upwards. The thinner panels with the angels on them had been glued onto these protruding parts. This caused them to slant forward just a bit, which, being right at the top of the altar piece, made them better visible to the admirers below.

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