With this painting Jan Polack shows that he has an eye for detail. On the right we see a kneeling woman with prayer beads in her folded hands. A man has thrown himself on the ground to kiss the cross. In the background we see the first ill people and pilgrims hastening towards the scene of the miracle. As always, Helena is accompanied by two ladies-in-waiting, but the page carrying her mantle is not very common. On the hem on the mantle of the man behind the page it says: Das Heilg Kreuz ist gefunden (the Holy Cross has been found) To the left of him a grave digger is talking to a rather unreliable looking man. This might well be St Jude. For legend has it, that it was he who at long last told St Helena where the crosses were buried. The bay window on the first floor of the house in the background on the left shows 1486. From the window a man is leaning forward. His clothing is rather different, which leads to the assumption that this must be the painter himself.

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