Cottages by the river Tolka, near Millbourne Avenue, Drumcondra, where Joyce had lived. Lee Miller wrote: “These cottages have been condemned by the council for many a long year, but due to that well known shortage of this and that including housing the world over they haven’t yet been pulled down or evacuated. When the river rises, which I imagine it did quite a lot of this week the houses are completely flooded. However, they’re very pretty in the Bruges School of Art with quaintness idea... A wall of fog rolled up... in a very fancy manner and stayed two days... Hence the variety of smoky and sharp shots.”

Press ‘A’ to learn more about Images 32 - 34 - Phoenix Park Press ‘B’ to learn more about Image 35 – Cottages at Drumcondra Press ‘C’ to learn more about Image 59 - The Royal Canal at Drumcondra


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